Narcotics Anonymous Public Relations

Our Vision is that One Day

Narcotics Anonymous has Universal Recognition and respect as a viable program for recovery.

PR & Me

Why public relations is important to the NA member

The Narcotics Anonymous message is “that an addict, any addict, can stop using drugs, lose the desire to use and find a new way to live.” Our relations with the public enable us to share this message broadly so that those who might benefit from our program of recovery can find us. We perform public relations service to increase the awareness and credibility of the NA program. We share our message openly with the public at large, with prospective members, and with professionals. Maintaining an open, attractive attitude in these efforts helps us to create and improve relationships with those outside the fellowship. Establishing and maintaining a commitment to these relationships, can help us to further our primary purpose.

The spiritual principles of our steps, traditions, and concepts guide us in pursuing our public relations aims and our efforts to enhance NA’s public image and reputation. These principles apply to our community and service efforts as well as to the personal behavior and attitude of individual NA members.

The following points are goals that we can strive to fulfill in making NA a visible and attractive choice for addicts:

  1. We clarify what services NA can and cannot provide to the community.
  2. We make NA members more aware of their role in NA’s public image.
  3. We aim for the public to recognize NA as a positive and reliable organization.
  4. We develop valuable relationships with professionals and the general public.

PR Basics: PR Basics contains material from the Public Relations Handbook which has been simplified. It was designed for members who are considering PR/PI service and desire to gain a basic understanding of PR principles. - English | Brazilian | Spanish

Public Relations Handbook: The Public Relations Handbook is a service tool which encompasses various facets of NA public relations including planning, the media, criminal justice professionals, treatment, healthcare, phonelines, internet technology, event planning, fellowship development, and government.- English | Spanish


PR Handbook Resource Material: Much of the Public Relations Handbook’s support material is updated regularly to meet the changing needs of our public relations service efforts. The resource material includes:

Chapter 2: Core Public Relations Principles

Chapter 3: Effective Services/Planning

Chapter 4: Preparation and Training for Interacting with the Public

Chapter 5: Media

Chapter 6: Criminal Justice

Chapter 7: Treatment

Chapter 9: Phonelines

Chapter 10: Internet Technology

Chapter 11: Event Planning

Chapter 12: Fellowship Development 

Phoneline Basics:A call to an NA phoneline, also known as a helpline, may be someone’s first interaction with Narcotics Anonymous. This resource outlines ways a service body can evaluate its resources, choose a helpline provider, train and prepare helpline volunteers, and coordinate services in a way that makes local helplines more successful. - English | Spanish

Planning Basics: Planning for NA services asks us to think ahead, take time to prepare and develop action plans to reach identified goals. Opportunities for planning begin with the identification of issues that affect our ability to provide consistently effective services. This booklet provides information on how to plan for services and includes a facilitator’s outline and a service inventory. - English | Spanish
