Public Relations
The Narcotics Anonymous message is “that an addict, any addict, can stop using drugs, lose the desire to use and find a new way to live.” Our relations with the public enable us to share this message broadly so that those who might benefit from our program of recovery can find us. We perform public relations service to increase the awareness and credibility of the NA program. We share our message openly with the public at large, with prospective members, and with professionals. Maintaining an open, attractive attitude in these efforts helps us to create and improve relationships with those outside the fellowship. Establishing and maintaining a commitment to these relationships can help us to further our primary purpose. The spiritual principles of our steps, traditions, and concepts guide us in pursuing our public relations aims and our efforts to enhance NA’s public image and reputation. These principles apply to our community and service efforts as well as to the personal behavior and attitude of individual NA members.
If you are a new group joining our area, please fill out the New Group Registration Form and submit it to NAWS and bring it with you to our next ASC so we can meet you and add you to our meeting list.
The subcommittee meeting begins at 11:00 am at the ASC.
Hospitals & Institutions
As Narcotics Anonymous grows in a community, meetings and groups in the area may want to carry the message of recovery. In isolated or developing NA communities, often due to a meeting’s geographical location, or due the limited development of an NA service system, formation of and participation in an ASC with an H&I subcommittee is not yet possible or practical. Once an H&I meeting/presentation is started, the news can spread very quickly.
Facilities hear about our H&I efforts and seek out local members, often requesting an H&I meeting or information about NA meetings. Usually, these original members in an area are very committed and try to say “yes” to all requests, so new H&I meetings are started. At this point, it may be helpful to inventory both the human and financial resources available in order to prioritize meetings and/or facilities that can be served effectively. H&I needs committed members, but literature and transportation costs should also be considered.
All interested volunteers for H&I need to attend orientation before being able to go into a facility. In some cases the committee would be will to do a onsite orientation if there is enough volunteers unable to attend area. However, it is strongly suggested that volunteers attend an orientation at ASC.